Meeting Minutes 12/12/22
Attendance: Ben Lacy, Judy DeGregorio, Harve Mobley, Nelson Swartzentruber, Jay Wilson, Faith Loeb, John McCowan, Brian Eberhardt, Beth Eberhardt, Marian Garcia, Mo Garcia, Debbie Rossetti, George Carr, Cheryl Breidenbach, Joyce Noland, Heidi Abele, Paul Turner, Jerry Porter, Linda Blake, and Nelson Spitnale.
Southern Pickleball Academy (SPA). Ben Lacy read an apology for the confusion that occurred during/after the last Leadership Meeting with him presenting the new organization, SPA. He stated that he wanted to ensure there would be mutual benefits for Aiken PB and SPA. He also read a statement from Jessica Campbell’s reply to an email that stated there would be no changes managing indoor play under SPA. Ben and Paul Turner excused themselves from the meeting at this point. Committee members wondered why Ben did not stay to answer questions. Mo left the meeting to retrieve them but they said that they had nothing more to say. Beth Eberhardt explained that SPA was in its infancy; therefore, many questions were unanswerable at this time.
Raffle Funds raised at Palmetto Tournament. Beth Eberhardt stated that she was on the new board of SPA. Beth wanted to ensure that everyone knows that the work she has done with the raffle has been under the guidance as a volunteer with Aiken Pickleball, not SPA. She wants no confusion or perceived conflict of interest since she is on the SPA board. Beth has the raffle ticket money to support middle school PB. She has sent Joyce and George a memo on what has been done with raffle ticket sales. There was $2061 ($1356 from the raffle and $705 from the silent auction) in revenue. Monies have been used for after school programs, schools/coaches to become members of the USAP Youth Program, some paddles/balls, etc. $1365.45 is left. She is still waiting for an invoice from Mo for 20 paddles and 20 balls. Nine nets have been donated from OW that were no longer being used. Nelson Spitnale moved that Beth keep the money and continue on with her efforts. Harve seconded. Unanimously approved.
Discussion was held on the Golden Harvest Food Drive that is taking place amongst Aiken PB members. Mike Howard is matching the number of cans brought in to GP and OW. The monies from a Joola paddle, donated at cost from Mo, will also go to Golden Harvest. Marian will make a new box for OW can receivables.
Southern Pickleball Academy discussion. This was discussed prior, but Beth reiterated that SPA wants the dust to settle and did not want to answer questions since it’s in its infancy and a lot is still unknown.
Player feedback. Gregg Park (GP) repair tags need to be replaced. George will ensure new tags are placed in net bags. George suggested to Brian that he suggest to GP to fix the broken clock. Brian will talk to GP maintenance. Some people are staying past the scheduled playing times at GP. We need to ensure all players get off the courts when time is up. There is a person who has stated to the OW front desk that she has no one to play with. Linda knows this person and will ensure that she is introduced to a group that she can participate in.
Funday Monday. All agreed to do this in January. Marian reported it was full this morning.
Calendar Schedule Update. All going well. At Gregg Park we are losing Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings like we do every year during Basketball season.
GP Round Robin (RR). Not as many people participated in the past RR. 70+ was a no go. Linda thinks 55+ age group works better. Next RR will be June 10 or June 24. Decision to have Women's Doubles and Men's Doubles since last RR was Mixed.
Open RR - George asked if there was Interest in a Mid March tournament at Odell where the first 24 that sign up will have mixed play. There was great interest and he will arrange again.
Financial Report. Current balance is $2091.91. Jerry Porter was introduced as working with us in some capacity. We are hopeful that he will be our new treasurer.
Dink for Tots. Rescheduled to next Sunday due to bad weather. Tonya will pick up toys if needed. Boxes for toys can be placed behind the front desk so they are not taken.
Christmas in Hopelands. City needs volunteers for three nights. Please sign up if interested.
Skill Rating Session. Five (5) players are scheduled for a week from today. Interest is picking up for ratings. Over half of our members are not rated.
Golden Harvest. Still collecting food as discussed before.
Drills with Mo. Members miss the Little Mo, 10 week sessions. There needs to be a way of being able to cancel slot reservations. Little Mo will start up in February at Smith-Hazel and in March at Gregg Park, perhaps on two courts. We will work out to get money in advance to perhaps prevent last minute cancellations. Faith requested that evening Little Mo’s be held if/when available.
Pickleball and Parkinson's Nelson Swartzentruber is involved with PB to improve Parkinson’s. Hillview Baptist has commissioned a new gym with three courts. They will be used to help persons with Parkinson’s. 11 individuals attend Hillview play. More and more people without Parkinson’s show up and play too.
January Meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 23, 2023. We will invite interested players to be involved. Anyone who wants to join is welcome. It's pertinent that we keep us together as a group so we can spread PB happenings to anyone we come in contact with. This is a whole community effort.