The following are the minutes for the Leadership Team Meeting held on July, 1, 2024. Attendees: Joyce Noland, George Carr, Heidi Abele, Marion Garcia, Christy Pritchard, Sally Serago, Harve Mobley, Lori King, Faith Loeb, Chuck Buchanan, Jody Madden, Jeremy Crow, Jay Wilson, Brian Eberhard, Mo Garcia, Marcia Stivanson, Linda Blake, Dean Cheatham
Aiken Senior Living: Aimee & Heather attended the meeting to update the Leadership Team on the social, silent auction, sponsorships & volunteers. Regarding the social, they have commitments from Chick Salad Chick, a restaurant that will provide Brisket Sliders, they are getting dessert platters & Palmetto Sipping will have a cash bar. ASL is also providing music by the Jam Band. Aimee & Heather ask us to encourage folks to sign up for the social, so far attendance is low. With regards to the Silent Auction, they have quite a few commitments from vendors/businesses to provide very nice baskets, Heather is also going to contact a few jewelry stores to see if they would donate a couple nice pieces of jewelry. ASL has commitments from the following business for sponsorships: Chick Salad Chick, Maxwell Law, Cintas, Oaks at Aiken, Enterprise. ASL is actively recruiting volunteers to work at the tournament, they will be contacting local High Schools for senior students to volunteer.
Feedback from Players Rep: Jody was the only rep. that had a complaint with regards to reserve courts; Courts are being reserved by only 2 players for drilling purposes but only being used for 30-45 minutes, the drillers are leaving the reserved court to go & play on another court with 2 other players that are drilling. It is tying up 1 court for only a short drilling period then leaving it vacant so no one else can use it. After discussion, Joyce is going to put another notice on the website to remind players to be considerate of this issue.
Palmetto Tournament Update: Joyce reiterated the reasoning/discussion about unsanctioning the Palmetto & the feedback she has received from those players that joined USAP for the sole purpose to play in the Palmetto while it was sanctioned. At this time 15 players emailed and either requested the $17.50 or wanted to take the clinic with Mo. Joyce had a couple players that were unhappy & requested their full refund, a full refund is not an option. For the most part the unsanctioning news was handled graciously. Joyce reported the sign-up for volunteers on the event desk was taken down, most of the volunteers that have worked the event desk is willing to do it again so that way training will not be needed. Linda said she would encourage the new players in her clinics of the volunteer opportunities for the Palmetto, we still need many volunteers for the tournament. Jody updated the committee on the sponsorships that she is following up on.
Ball Machines: Private ball machines are not authorized indoors at Odell Weeks or Smith-Hazel Recreational Centers. Ball machines can be used in the gym at Gregg Park as long as the machine sits on a mat.
Events - George went over the schedule for drills with Mo & Harve, New Player Clinics, New Player Practices & the Rating Session. Mo said the next rating session will be held in August unless a player needs rated for the tournament. The schedules for the other clinics, drills & player practice will be posted on API. Also, Linda commented that Lori King has committed to work with her on the New Player Clinics at Gregg Park once recovered from her knee replacement, in the meantime George will continue to help.
Ambassador Update: Mo gave an update on the benches which will be place by the outdoor courts, they should be here & set for the tournament.
Closing Comments: Faith reminded us that the Beckner’s will be honored at the PB social for their dedication to Pickleball In Aiken.
Next meeting will be August 12, 2024.