Minutes from November Meeting

Minutes for Leadership Team meeting on November 18th 

Members Present: George Carr, Mo Garcia, Joyce Noland, Brian Eberhard, Christy Prichard, Marian Garcia, Sally Sergio, Linda Blake, Heidi Abele, Jody Madden, Harve Mobley, Jay Wilson, Jean Villa, Cheryl Breidenbach, Lori King and Jordyn Balba

1. Feedback from player reps:

Linda stated that Harve has a clinic at the end of this month. Practice will be after. Lori and Linda had a New Players practice this month. Went well.

Brian said that Saturday playing times are being lost at GP due to basketball schedules, which is consistent to previous year schedules. 

2. NPCs and NPPs-George. Since basketball is in season we won’t have these clinics or practices until February when gyms become available.

3. Lines at Smith Hazel-The lines were painted about the same colors as the basketball lines. City will redo in the future…probably after basketball season. People are using these courts. Harve can use these courts on Wednesday if needed.

4. What’s next for API? Joyce wants to retire and has been trying to retire for awhile now. George says it would take about 5/6 people to take up Joyce’s “job”. We need to break up Joyce’s “job” into little bits. The most pressing job would be communicating with members when they have issues.   

Mo stated that some of the younger people will come in and learn the roles., which won’t happen over night, but will happen. Jody asked if the city could be more involved with what Joyce has been doing. Mo said that the city is supportive but has full plates in all they do. He does have one/two good contacts that look after us. 

Jody stated, as for our tournament, we need to keep it simple. Mo said that the city is waiting for us to give them dates for the Palmetto Tournament so the gym can be reserved. Joyce will send out surveys to see when members desire to have the tourney ... .August or September.

5. Donation recommendations…Joyce will send out surveys for recommendations to determine where the proceeds of the Palmetto tournament will be given. There is approximately $5K available. 

Various members asked about expenses/profits. Dean was not present so we had no answers. It was suggested that the finances for API need to be transparent. More individuals need to be privy to numbers. 

One recommended that the court dividers need to be replaced. Some thought the city needed to pay for this. Others thought it would be just fine for API to purchase the dividers since we have excess funds and we use them daily.

 6. Benches. They are in place outside. 

 7. Pacer Life Update…Kathy was absent so there was no news.

 8. League-Mo and Jordyn. Two matches are left. Spring league will happen. Potential for the league to grow. Lots of interested beginners want to participate. At the 3.0 / 3.5 there were 100 players (10 teams). 2 more teams at the 4.0 level were allowed to play making 140 total participants. Originally the league was just going to be 3.0 and 3.5. The 4.0s were permitted to play at the last minute. Some of these higher level players were not happy with how the add-on was handled. However, this will be remedied in the spring because the league directors will be prepared. 

The city has allowed us 10 courts to play on. We are anticipating over 400 players for spring. The proceeds from the league fees will come back to API. George will put a blurb on the website about the league…..social/winners/etc. 

Mo states we need more courts. Heidi asked about Generations Park. Mo stated that the park is in the planning stage. 

There is a petition going around requesting new pickleball courts….perhaps the handball court or a couple of the tennis courts can be converted. 

Eustis Park will have 4 pickleball courts in the future. 

The Top Dog program is being used to register league participants. This program is antiquated and needs to be replaced. 

There will be a commission meeting on Dec 17. 

 9. Ambassador Update-Mo. Mo is stepping down in December as USAPA district ambassador. We don’t know who the next district ambassador will be. Mo will still be part of API because he is passionate about pickleball. 

10. Closing Comments

Jean asked when Toys for Tots would be held. George stated Thursday Dec 12 would be the date for indoors. 11-2PM. Round Robin style. Jean will put boxes out for toys/food on Dec 1. She will also change the bulletin board. Christy will get with Mike to see if this can be held outdoors as well. 

Note - Charity event for Toys for Tots and Golden Harvest will be held on Saturday December 14th 12-3pm at the outdoor courts at Virginia Acres Park.

George encouraged Lori to become an instructor. 

Members were thanked for volunteering and attending meetings.

Next meeting will be Monday January 6th