April 3 Leadership Committee Meeting - Members present were: George Carr, Joyce Noland, Faith Loeb, Linda Blake, Heidi Abele, Jay Wilson, Stephen Donnelly, Marian Garcia, Lori King, Brian Eberhard, Rich Peterson, Leslie McCowan, Debbie Rossetti, Jody Madden, Mo Garcia, Marcia Stivanson.
Introduction of new player rep.
Welcome to Rich Peterson who is the new player rep for drop in play.
We also welcomed Marcia Stivanson to the meeting. Marcia is willing to offer help wherever we see a need.
Feedback from player reps.
Jody Madden asked who uses Gym 2 in the afternoons. The leadership team explained that every month the front desk gives them the schedule for the gym usage and the flyer is placed on the bulletin board. Every Monday evening Gym 2 is the back up venue for the concert series at Hopelands Garden. Wednesday and Friday afternoons the maintenance crew set up the volleyball nets for evening play.
Jody also mentioned that she had played with the new hybrid indoor/outdoor balls made by Selkirk, the holes are slightly bigger than the outdoor balls and are fun to play with.
Linda Blake informed us that there's a new player practice on Tuesday April 4, 8 players have signed up. 16 people have signed up for beginner games on the website.
Heidi brought up that a foot cleaner is needed for the outdoor courts on Two Notch Road entrance, Stephen will speak to Lucille (a City rep) about this.
Gregg Park Round Robin
Volunteers are still needed for this event. It was decided to change the 3.5 division to mixed teams instead of the single sex format.
Pot Luck- Faith
The Leadership Team were very happy with the turnout for the March Pot Luck, between 55 -60 people were in attendance, and the feedback was that it brought the pickleball community together again after Covid. The next Pot Luck will be in The Fall and the committee will extend an invitation to the players who play at all the pickleball facilities in Aiken.
Calendar Update
Brian Eberhard brought it to our attention that people were making court reservations and not showing up to play. This is probably due to the nice weather outdoors and people unable to make cancellations on Sign Up Genius. George and Joyce will post on the website that it helps with putting away nets if people cancel on Sign Up Genius and if they don't know how to cancel send an e-mail to George or Joyce and they will do it for them - email address info@aikenpickleball.com
Brian also stated that not as many people were signing up for the courts at Gregg Park, again this is probably on account of the nice weather outdoors.
Memberships- Joyce
A decision still needs to be made on the best software to use for signing up for membership to Aiken Pickleball. Pickleball Brackets can be complicated, need to know if there's a better system available. The cost of membership will be $15.00 per annum, this is necessary to cover the costs of being a club. Aiken Pickleball receives no money from the facility membership at Odell weeks, the $15.00 membership fee would help to cover the costs for paying a CPA, liability insurance and obtaining a business license. It was decided to hold two public meetings one during the day and one in the evening to explain to our pickleball community why Aiken Pickleball became a club and to answer any questions that people might have. The agenda, dates and times will be posted on the website and flyers put up on the notice board and in the gym.
Jody Madden agreed to be the membership chair when the committee decided that it was necessary to charge people membership fees, becoming a member of Aiken Pickleball is not mandatory. Different membership levels were discussed, no decisions were made.
Jay Wilson pointed out that without all the volunteers that make up Aiken Pickleball there would be no calendar, drop in play, round robins, tournaments and no maintenance done on the nets and courts, the city provides no staff to assist with the organization and structure of pickleball, all work is done on a voluntary basis.
Palmetto Doubles Tournament- Jay Wilson
Jay will sign the contract with the City on April 4 to host the tournament. Sponsors are needed, different levels of sponsorship will be offered and the names of the sponsors will go on the backs of the tournament shirts. Registration is now available.
We still need a treasurer.
What is happening
Player rating session April 11 - Mo. Seven players have signed up to be rated.
The next new player clinic at Odell will be Thursday evening April 13.
Financial Report - Faith
Send an email to info@aikenpickleball.com if you are interested in being our next Treasurer.
Outdoor courts - Mo
The new courts will be constructed in the spring, City has given no specific date as to when this will commence. It will take two weeks to resurface and build the courts. There is no money in the budget for fences or covered courts. The City has been approached to convert the one tennis court at Eustis Park into 2 pickleball courts.
Ambassador report - Mo
April is national pickleball month. Posters will be displayed on the bulletin board.
Free youth clinics will be held at Virginia Acres April 8 and 15, thank you to Chuck, Heidi and Tony for volunteering with the clinic on April 1.
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 1st, at 5:15pm