Minutes from January 2005 Meeting


Minutes from the Leadership Team Meeting held on January 2nd.  Members present:  Sally Sergio, Chuck Buchanan, Christy Pritchard, Linda Blake, Lori King, Brian Eberhard, Marcia Stivanson, Heidi Abele, Jay Wilson,  Dean Cheatham, Joyce Noland, George Carr, Jody Madden, Marian Garcia, and Cheryl Breidenbach.

1.  Feedback from Player Reps:

Jody - Someone from the outdoor evening sessions suggested API purchase a roller to remove water from the courts after rains, and a broom to remove leaves.  George said players need to bring their own blowers and brooms because items left there will be stolen. 

Outdoor players want set open play times and designated courts set up.  Joyce again explained that the city will not dictate that for outdoor play.  People come from out of town and this gives them the possibility of arriving and playing without having to ‘sign up’.  This is true for new players or even seasoned players too. 

 Some think we need more benches outdoors.  We need to put signs up that say benches are for sitting and not a holding place for player bags and equipment.  Marian will mention this to Mo so he can talk to city personnel about needed signage. 

Some want the black mesh netting repaired or replaced.  Again, Marian will pass this info on to Mo. 

Thank you, Jody, for asking the people you play with for their opinions!

Brian- by mid January we might get Wednesday evening play court time back.  He also stated that the barriers are getting worn pretty badly. 

2.  New Players Clinic/Practices-George.  Not much interest.  We will open it up in March when court time is available. 

3.  Player Rating sessions are in a holding pattern due to lack of court time and currently, interest.    Harve will take this program over from Mo.  The earliest we could hold it is the last Wednesday in January. Linda says once it starts to get advertised again people will show more interest. 

4.  Donation Recommendations-Joyce.  Only 5 responses were sent back.  Joyce read these. 

Providing food for Palmetto players was discussed.  Joyce stated that that would be very expensive.  Marian said no other tournaments provide lunches.  Many others stated the variety of the snacks currently offered was more than adequate. 

5.  Financial Update-Dean.  There is currently $19,000 in the checking account.  A spreadsheet will be provided for more details during the February meeting. 

6.   The fall League finances were run through Mo Power Sports due to the use of the Top Dog program.  The profit will be transferred to API shortly.  Mo and Jordyn were not here to report on the survey given to the participants and the particulars dealing with the finances.  This will be reported at the February meeting. 

7.    Palmetto Tournament- Joyce.  Everyone wants to help and participate in it.  July 31, August 1, 2,3 are the reserved dates.  Tournament committee is needed.  There was discussion of Fees.  It was suggested $40 for registration that include one event and  $10 for each additional event.  All thought this was very reasonable. 

8.   Green Jackets Pickleball night- Jody.  Very successful last year.  They will have 3 nights this year.  The first one is June 6.  Volair paddles are included in pickleball package which is approx $45.  A ticket to just go to the game is approx. $11.

9.  Closing comments.

Brian stated that our club’s donation  might be better served given to  a charity rather than on improvement items for facilities.  An example would be for school pickleball league.  There is a league coordinator for the schools. Mo would know who this person is for contact purposes to see what is desired.    API feels the city should be providing and maintaining benches/dividers.  However, if it is not in their budget it would be possible  to use our surplus to pay for them.    Marian will pass this information to Mo so he can discuss with city representatives. 

Chuck has volunteered to build benches and repair barriers. 

City meeting is in January.  Christy asked if others can attend.  Mo will let us know when this meeting is and the possibility of others attending. 

The next Meeting will be February 3, 2:30pm.