March 6 Leadership Committee Meeting - Members present were:
Debbie Rossetti, Jody Madden, Linda Blake, Nelson Swartzentruber, Mo Garcia, Jay Wilson, Joyce Noland, George Carr, Cheryl Breidenbach, John McGowan, Lori King, Heidi Abele, Christine Thompson, Faith Loeb, Marian Garcia, and Jean Villa
1. Feedback from Player Reps:
Nelson wants PB for Parkinson’s to remain in the Aiken PB group. Consistently 6-10 players participate on Mondays and Wednesdays, 10-11Am. Motion disorder patients are also welcome. There is no charge and the equipment (paddles/balls/nets) are provided. Joyce will put on blurb on APB Facebook page.
2. Vacancies. Joyce:
The following positions are available for volunteers.
a. Player rep-3.5L
b. Player rep-3.5H (2)
c. Public Relations
Nelson brought up perhaps we only need one representative for 3.0 and one for 3.5. (We have High, Low and Average representatives) Most thought more reps were what we needed because we find out what people think by hearing from these folks at the monthly meetings. Faith suggested that maybe have a morning/afternoon representative. Let Joyce know if anyone wants to be involved for these positions.
3. Aiken Pickleball membership. Joyce:
Now that we are official with an EIN number and bank account, we are ready to offer memberships. Costs, benefits, and possible family breaks were discussed. Jean Villa suggested a drive be held for signups and collection of fees. It was suggested that raffling a paddle during the initial drive may enhance the number of signups. Jay suggested not having a lifetime fee because we are going to need future revenues. Also suggested was to have a table for signups at the March 24 social. Age requirement for possible lifetime membership was discussed, as well as possible founding membership fees. Membership drives could be set up for other social events and on Monday Fun Days . Mo is offering two paddles to be given away ever how APB sees fit. Pickleball brackets will be used for the membership signups. Lori suggested having paper copies available stating the questions that will be asked on PB brackets and then AP staff will input individuals’ information. This may ease the stress for players who may not have computers or are not tech savvy.
4. Gregg Park Round Robin. Joyce:
The event will be June 24th and called the Summer Smash. There will be scrambles at the 2.5 level. It was suggested to consider giving a discount to members.
5. Friday Night Potluck and Play on March 24. Faith:
Last fall a social was held to have a sense of community. 24 players are currently signed up for the next social, March 24. We hope to double that number of participants. Player Reps please encourage players to sign up. Faith would like all the various groups throughout Aiken to join in the fun, fellowship & camaraderie of the evening.-. ….Houndslake, Creekside, Gem Lakes, Woodside, Churches, etc. Linda stated that lots have their own get togethers. Faith wants us ALL to come together. Mo stated one way is to start leagues again. At the end of every session of the leagues we can have a get-together. Jody suggested having a Pickle “Ball”. Heidi and Lori suggested asking specific groups and clubs to announce AP socials on their own websites because most have their community on a local social site.
6. Calendars Schedule Update. John:
John stated that there have been complaints that individuals have access to sign up prior to 8AM Thursday mornings, which is unfair. John reiterated that no one can get on the website earlier than 8AM.
7. Time slots at OW. Marian:
A question of “Is Drop In play using all the designated morning courts?” And “If courts are not being used can the time be used for reservations?” Marian is going to visit OW every day this week and see how many courts are being used. Marion stated that there are so many people that are not rated that people don’t know when/where to play. Currently the city will not let us schedule open play on the outdoor courts. Joyce feels strongly to keep open play 9-11, even if all the courts are not used at every session. Courts 5&6 have been made available for court reservations on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings starting at 845am.
8. Food Box. George:
The box is empty now. George thinks we need a special event to have these collections be successful, such as socials and Funday Mondays. George will talk to Mike about it. It’s important that the box needs to be taken care of and not just shoved into a closet.
9. Players not showing up for reservations. Joyce:
Last Friday five courts were reserved but two were not used by the people signing up to use them. We need to rectify this problem. It was suggested to call these people and let them know the significance of canceling courts that will not be used.
10. March Madness. George:
Opened on March 11 and all slots were taken within 1 hour. Joyce is concerned that we should be charging for this event. Debbie wonders if we could charge $5/person. We are uncertain if we can legally collect money unless Odell manages the sign up. Players signed up for this Open Scramble on Saturday have been asked to bring a donation for Golden Harvest. Expecting a great response
11. Palmetto Doubles Tournament. Jay:
Jay has volunteered to be director. This event is not the money maker people think it is. Cheryl brought up that perhaps we can save by not providing t shirts. Players will be able to buy them for themselves if they so desire. Dates for the Doubles tournament are Aug 4-6. Clinics will be offered to participants on Aug 3. Free for people who have signed up.
12. Financial Report. Joyce:
The treasurer position is currently unoccupied. The LCM has a possible volunteer.
13. Update on new Outdoor Courts. Mo:.
Six (6) additional courts have been commissioned for this spring. Still no word on when construction is going to start .
14. League. Mo:
Mo suggested starting league play up this spring. He suggested having smaller teams. Player Reps talk to your people and see if there is interest. The league usually lasts 6-8 weeks. Last time the teams had 24 people. There is a fee to play. Play will occur during the evenings and weekends. Mo suggested having single gender league play this spring. Mixed can be in the fall.
15. Ambassador Report. Mo:
Last Thursday the City Council of Conway came into Aiken for a Budget Retreat. A clinic was put on by Mo. All enjoyed the comrade and learning the game.
New courts are in Barnwell. Blackville is putting in four courts. N. Augusta is putting in new courts too.
16. Closing Comments:
Linda Blake stated that there are 13 signed up for beginner games contact me phone list.
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 4th at 5:30pm