Aiken Pickleball News

Gregg Park will reopen on Monday, October 14 with regular hours.  Pickleball will go back to it's regular schedule starting on Tuesday!


Indoor pickleball at Odell Weeks resumed normal play on Thursday, October 10.



Some 4.0 players joined our Saturday morning drop-in play. It was exciting when they battled each other. The balls that came my way made me play to the best of my ability, but I never got smashed at or felt out of place. Super fun!    This is why pickleball is so popular.   Thanks to everyone that made this happen.



Court 4 & 5 will be available for court reservations 845-11am on Tuesdays and Thursdays  starting next Tuesday September 24th.



Smith-Hazel Activity Center located  at 400 Kershaw St NE, will reopen for a 2-hour walk through from 5:30-7:30 pm on Sept. 25th.  Pickleball will restart on September 30th - every Monday and Wednesday - court reservations 9-1030am and 1030-12pm - three indoor courts.   You will be able to reserve a court using the same Sign up Genius you use for Odell.  The membership card you use to access Odell Weeks will allow you access Smith-Hazel.  For non members the daily fee is $2, same as at Odell.



Once again it seems necessary to remind everyone that pickleball is just a game.  It is supposed to be fun - for everyone.   Throwing paddles is unacceptable.  Swearing is unacceptable.  Telling beginners they are not good enough to play indoors is unacceptable.  Arguing over line calls is unacceptable.  We are all Ambassadors for the game of pickleball - act like it. 

As for line calls -

Question 15 from the Aiken Pickleball Rules Quiz is one of the most missed questions.

15.  If you and your partner are unsure whether the ball is in or out, what is the call?

a. The player nearest the ball makes the call.

b. The ball is called in.

c. The ball is called out

d.  The point is replayed.

Select Read more below for the correct answer.

b.  The ball is called in 



API would like to invite individuals interested in leading a women's pickleball team for the Fall 2024 season. Teams will consist of 3.0, 19+ and 3.5, 19+ players.

Players have the option to represent their respective Courts/Facilities:

- Virginia Acres Park 

- Eustis Park

- Cedar Creek

- Woodside

- The Reserve at Woodside

- Gem Lakes

- others, please specify.

Matches will consist of best 2 out of 3 games to 11, win by 2.

Each team will provide 4 lines, in ascending order, with a total of 12 players per team.

Match days will be on :Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.

Teams will be allowed to play lines before the scheduled match date, but not after.

Once the number of teams has been determined, a captains' meeting will be announce. 

Season is expected to run from 10/1/2024 - 12/10/204

Please contact Mo Garcia, league director (, or Jordyn Balba, assistant league director, with any questions.


Minutes for the Leadership Team Meeting held on August 12th, have been posted.  Faith Loeb announced that she is retiring from Aiken Pickleball after eight years.  Faith initiated the New Players Practice that followed each New Players Clinic,  giving players new to the game of pickleball more structured playing time.  Linda Blake is now providing New Players Practices after the New Players Clinics at both Odell Weeks and Gregg Park.  We received great feedback on the Palmetto tournament with suggestions for improving.  There was a well deserved  round of applause for Jay Wilson the tournament director and all the other hard working volunteers that made the tournament so successful.   Click here to read the full report as a lot more items were discussed including - Feedback from Player Rep's - proposed Social in September - Update on Pacer Life - Junior tournament in October - Mo’s Youth program - Wrecking Crew - Need for Volunteers - and much much more.



Last week saw the completion of our 10th Annual Palmetto Invitational Pickleball Doubles Tournament in honor of Loretta and Mike Beckner, the founders of Aiken Pickleball.  Thanks to  all the hard working volunteers that made this year's event a huge success.  We exceeded last year's participation by over 35% - well done everyone!



Photos from each day can be viewed by clicking here.  Thank you, Lavonda Geier, for doing the photography and making these available!!

See below for results.

Sunday Results -


Saturday Results -

Men's Doubles Skill: (3.0) Age: (12 To 49)

Robbie Tant
Ryan Brantley

 Steven Coppage
Warren Coppage

Gordon Jones
Jay Fickle

Men's Doubles Skill: (3.5) Age: (12 To 49)

Badri Narian Prasanna Kumar
Barghav Naraian Prasanna Kumar

Jeff Price
Shane Yeager

Brian Hansen
Josh Gagner

Men's Doubles Skill: (3.5) Age: (50 And Above)

Mark Giddings
Scott Talbott

Jeremy Crow
Paco Bogue

Tom Domke
Stacey Bridges

Men's Doubles Skill: (4.0) Age: (12 To 49)  

Drew Fahrbach
Dylan Fahrbach

Jon Roebuck
Marwan Ben-Jebara

Dylan Davidson
Kason Davidson

Men's Doubles Skill: (4.0) Age: (50 And Above)   

Mark Carter
Jeff Simizon

Harve Mobley
Doug Weiss

 Mo Garcia
Patrick Hare

Women's Doubles Skill: (3.0) Age: (12 To 49)

Kendra Simpson
Jordan Atherton

Amanda Dowdle
Becky Fortman

Tara Brown
Chelsey Stein

Women's Doubles Skill: (3.0) Age: (50 And Above)

Nancy Woolwine
Shana Sutphin

 Kim Pope
Anissa Colton

Marie Klofenstine
Lesia Price

Women's Doubles Skill: (3.5) Age: (12 To 49) 

Ashton Hall
Taylar Stewart

Tammy Pruitt
Amy Myers

 Allycia Brown
Zanthia Hastings

Women's Doubles Skill: (3.5) Age: (50 And Above)

Anna Adkins
Lisa Arnel

 Cindy Bogue
Denise Hough

 Alisa Dearden
Jessica Yang

Women's Doubles Skill: (4.0) Age: (50 And Above)

Lisa Barrett-Johnson
Cheryl Breidenbach

Leslie McCowan
Amy Buck

 Joanne Cook
Sharon Jackson


Wednesday & Thursday Results - Select

Mixed Doubles Skill: (3.0) Age: (60 And Above)

Gold Medal

Vanessa Rogers
Graham Deriso

Silver Medal

Bridget Whitehead
Mike Pearce

Bronze Medal

Cory Clark
Mark Clark


Mixed Doubles Skill: (3.5) Age: (60 And Above)

Gold Medal

Diane Miller
Paul Miller

Silver Medal

June Melton
Ronald Nelson

Bronze Medal

Marian Garcia
Patrick Hare

Mixed Doubles Skill: (3.5) Age: (70 And Above)

Gold Medal

Sally Serago
Douglas Ditter

Silver Medal

Barbara Dellamora
Alain Rossignol

Bronze Medal

Nancy Benson
William Weeks


Wednesday Results 

Women's Doubles Skill: (3.5) Age: (60 And Above)

Gold Medal 

Billi Jager
Diane Miller

Silver Medal

Sharon Barnes
Vanessa Rogers

Bronze Medal

Ratchinee Skinner
Miriam James

Men's Doubles Skill: (3.5) Age: (60 And Above)

Gold Medal

Ricky Saucier
Jerry Harris

Silver Medal

Michael Howard
Bruce Patton

Bronze Medal

Graham Deriso
Seth Schwartz

Men's Doubles Skill: (3.5) Age: (70 And Above)

Gold Medal

Stan Felkner
Rick Isaac

Silver Medal

Mike Burley
Dave Hyams

Bronze Medal

Kenneth Mason
Michael McCullen


